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Manifesting NEEDS ….

Writer's picture: Nicole ChapmanNicole Chapman

Do I have Needs?...

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, just a couple days ago, my knee jerk 1st responder instincts would have said, ABSOLUTELY not, I don’t NEED anything or anyone. I desire them. But NEED is just not it…and I would have probably said it in a very indignant tone, as to convince my soul that this was a truth we had to adapt to.

Why? Because society says NEEDING is seen as a weakness.

Spiritualist say NEEDS don’t produce manifestations… Desires do.

But I’ve re-realized that I need to kick this LIE in the @$$.

I NEED_______!!!!! ( a whole lotta things)

Depending on the crowd I’m with, likely my law of attraction, spiritually woke, manifesting friends, who are very much like a version of me, would have said… “Nooo, NElise, you don’t need anything. You already know need suggests that you are lacking something and lack-energy doesn’t produce the results you're looking for.

Truly you have everything you need inside of you. Say You desire…”

Yeeeaaa, Right!

 I DESIRE to roll my eyes so far to the back of my head, because somewhere I know I’ve said this to so many people trying to be “consciously correct” and genuinely help someone manifest what they “Desire,” by giving them a more powerful and self-empowered vocabulary.

In essence, changing their perspective. And, yes it works and is true In SOME instances…

But, inside my head I’m thinking, “is this really what I sound like to other people?”

 NOW… there’s always a time and place for this kind of “coaching, spirit guru, soul evolved jargon….” But, I’ve learned, as a coach, and just as a regular human being, it’s not always appropriate at the moment. Like “Hi, read the room, do you even understand my point & what I’m saying, or are you just trying to sound more evolved than my actual feelings right now?”

I imagine this is what some might be thinking because this is what I’m thinking when I hear it being said to me outside of the proper client/coachy space.

But as I evaluate & re-evaluate what I’ve learned, been taught, heard from spirit (sometimes what they say for that time, doesn’t carry over to the next time…or we expand and have deeper understand of what they said), etc.…

 I realize we must leave room for God (not everything is within our own power and time alone, thank God) and our personal human design (we get to do, speak, and express ourselves in the way that deeply connects to our own feelings, emotions, beliefs & makeup).

Some of us get so caught up in trying to change our lives and learning from every self- help, guru, healer, and physical, tangible thing we can absorb from others wiser on the journey than us, that we sometimes forget to consider if we actually agree from our own heart.

Direction is needed, yes…but not to the extent of blindly following step by step ritual to protocol someone else’s way. Even a recipe will be more special when you add your own touches to it…But yes, you must learn the basics.

And I say this fully aware that you absolutely will or will not resonate with what I say…and that’s BRILLIANT. Not everyone is my soul client, friend, family, or acquaintance & I’m not everyone’s.

Unpopular belief, those dark moments, thoughts, and words are needed to shed light, just as much as the positive affirmations to bring light. If you don’t start paying attention to yourself in all stages of your experience- you stay in the dark, trying to swat it away or worse, pretend it doesn’t exist.

Also, when any emotion and expression we have get out of we get to re-evaluate “is this in my best interest to go on like this. Do I like myself like this, Is this still a desire, need, or expression I want to carry on with?”

This is why people can chant all day and their life is still falling apart and there are some who look completely normal and have more wisdom and success that we could ever imagine using whatever words they want (because really, it’s about our beliefs, what resonates with us, and if we are actively giving ourselves the proper attention to make our life work). The key is being SELF Aware and being intentional…but hey so many of us aren’t. And, when I say “us” I’m simply being inclusive. I’m totally self-aware…AT the LEVEL of my self-awareness lol…and I’ve done and continue to do the work to be authentic with myself, but improvements abound for life...because I, too, am human. It’s only my soul that’s 10 trillion years old. 😊

…. Sometimes we really need to spend time dissecting all these societal messages, different languages, jargon, slogans, chants, mantras, whatever we are absorbing, and ask…Is this really true for ME? Does this language fit ME, my personal experience, or, is it even benefiting Humanity as a whole to continue believing in some of these things?

Why am I ranting about this to you today?

Because I believe it’s so important to give people the option to truly choose SELF Empowerment. Giving people permission to FEEL and SPEAK what is true for them, even if we have a deeper, better understanding (so we think).

 It’s not for us to say FOR them...especially unsolicited.

And quite frankly this whole “need vs want vs desire vs…blah blah” is nonsense to me and I’ve seen how focusing on which words to use have actually hindered lives instead of making it better.

Clients and friends so frustrated with why nothing they say or do is getting the results the books say.

Why? because focusing on these words can begin to conflict with your soul and heart when you try to apply them to everything in your life the same way.

Example: I need love. I don’t desire it. I need it.

Now if someone tells me, “You are love. It’s inside you, you desire to have more of it. Choose love. You don’t need it”

I might just desire to scream (dramatically)

 Respectfully, this is not my truth nor one I would apply to my life. Even though, I know this person’s intentions were to be helpful. It at the very same time can be damaging. Maybe Love is not their currency. Maybe they don’t need love.

My response: NO. HONEY. I, in the deepest part of my heart, mind, and soul know I NEED love to thrive. To experience the feeling of happiness. To DESIRE to live. I NEED love, like we literally need air to stay alive. (have you noticed “not needing” is mostly applied to our emotions or possessions…no one ever said you Desire to have oxygen, you don’t NEED it)

 And to pretend otherwise or convince myself otherwise, went so far against how God made me, that the only thing produced when love isn’t felt, is depression. My need for love and having a safe place to release my love is so imperative to my health, that I would never say I don’t need it. Ever. Again.

People ask me how I manifest love, relationships, & attract all people so easily, even in my LOWEST states?... because one thing I am absolute and Crystal clear on is I was born to love and be loved. 

That kind of certainty about what I NEED is why my frequency meets love every time- when I’m alone vibing with myself and spirit- when I’m meeting new people have instant connections. When I’m laying on the floor in my most depressed state, and I feel the warmth of God suddenly. When a certain song will play or a message from a stranger sending a message to “the wrong person” turns into a moment that lifts me off the floor.

My whole point…never let anyone tell you what YOU DON’T NEED.

 You can’t even come close to choosing or having desires if you haven’t become clear with what your soul NEEDS to fight for them. Fight for your NEEDS. Let them be non- negotiable.



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